Friday, August 25, 2023


 Here at Unalam we can make some pretty big beams. A lot of people wonder how we move and flip the beams around. Yes, we have to flip the beams in order to complete fabrication and finishing on the other side. Below, Dan and Keith are leading a coordinated effort to flip beams that are 8-1/2" wide, 60" deep, 72' long and weighing almost 8,500 lbs. 

Our overhead hoist system is crucial for us to maneuver the beams around our plant.  But, it still takes a special touch and caution in order to flip the beams safely and without incurring any damage to the beams.

They have to adjust the the straps at different phases of the flip. Once turned over it will be put back on the saw horses in order to finish the beam. 

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